by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL, USA)

Ready Or Not, Here I come-God

Ready Or Not, Here I come-God

As a young child, one of my most favorable games was "Hide and Seek", And, I held the championship, for hiding the longest. In fact, one time I almost missed the evening supper, for not wanting to be found.
Now that I am an adult, I pray that I will never hide from my loving Savior, Christ Jesus, and that I will always seek His Will for my life.

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you". (Psalm 119:11)

In the garden below, the Lord walked to and fro.
For Adam's sin to reveal.
As God walked his way, Adam heard Him say.
You cannot hide from God, No, you cannot hide from God.

Achan brought back the spoil, as reward for his toil.
For he thought the treasures were his.
But the lots all were cast, and the sentences passed.
You cannot hide from God. No, you cannot hide from God.

Jonah called by the Lord, to go preach the word.
That the people may turn in repentance,
Jonah did not obey, but instead ran away.
You cannot Hide from God. No, you cannot hide from God.

When King David did sin, and the profit came in.
David's crime was disclosed, and the sin was exposed.
Then the kings heart was stirred, As the message he heard
You cannot hide from God. No, you cannot hide from God.

Every day we may stray, Going our own way
In evil to abide, Our sins for to hide
But there's coming a payday, For us all someday
You cannot hide from God, No, you cannot hide from God

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