Bible Sermons Come in a
Variety of Types

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Bible sermons come in a variety of types but which type is the best? Maybe a better question would be which type is best for you?

Maybe an even better question would be which type is better for you in a particular preaching situation?

I know some preachers get pretty defensive about the types of sermons and claim that their type is the best and in fact the other types aren't really preaching at all.

I don't think I would go that far, but maybe you think that strongly about your type of message. Let's look at the various types of Bible sermons. These types do exist, whether one considers them valid or not.

Personal Testimony

This is the preaching of one's own personal testimony. It could include your personal testimony of salvation or it could include your personal experience related to Christian growth. And it could include both. More on the Personal Testimony type of sermon here.


This is the preaching about a person's life and the various lessons that can learned from it, both positive and negative. More on the Biographical Narrative type of sermon here.

Historical Incident

This is the preaching of a Biblical incident. The story is the subject and the lessons of the narrative are applied to the audience as the story unfolds.More on the Historical Narrative (or Historical Incident) type of sermon here.


This is the preaching of a subject. One chooses the subject and then finds all the Scripture that relates to that subject and forms that material into a Bible sermon. More on the Topical type of sermon here.


This is the preaching of a few verses, a verse, or even a part of a verse. The preacher discovers the theme of the verse in context and preaches on it in his own words. More on the Textual type of sermon here.


This is the preaching of a passage or paragraph of Scripture. The preacher discovers the theme or argument of the paragraph and then develops the sermon from the text and preaches it in his own words.

This may be one of the best ways to preach Bible sermons. More on the Expository type of sermon here.


This is the preaching of a subject or idea that may come from Scripture but is not developed with Scripture. The reason for this is that what the preacher preaches is mostly what he wants to say. It is really just a Religious Speech or lecture.

The material may come from some other source or observation. However, it does not actually or completely come from the Scripture. More on the Springboard type of sermon or Religious Speech here. 

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