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Jonah: Prayers of Desperation Sermon 2 Part 2

God Convicts Us I’m convinced there are things we do every day that are disobedient to God and we don’t even know it. But when we know what God wants

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Jonah: Prayers of Desperation Sermon 2 Part 1

Second sermon in the four sermon series: Jonah: The World's Worst Disciple God sometimes puts us in dire circumstances that cause us to be obedient. Sometimes

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Jonah: Prideful Disobedience Sermon 1 PART 2

Secular Society Sometimes Has Better Moral Integrity than We Do. When we allow our emotions to drive our decisions and conversations, we can sound and

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Jonah: Prideful Disobedience Sermon 1 PART 1

We are a Non-Denominational Church. This is the first sermon in the 4 sermon series Jonah: The World's Worst Disciple Bill Klapwyk Attention Getter:

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Bible Doctrine: Assurance

II Timothy 1:12 This message is part of a series of basic bible doctrines. The subjects are based selected chapters from the London Baptist Confession

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Lonely Soldier

Tears they fall, it's only Jesus she can call, catch me lord before I fall. My days are filled with the silence of lonely, affection I need to be known,

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God's Love in Spirit comes through in song, Before He came along, everything was wrong. He took one look at my nasty Ol'crutch, Touched my heart with His

Continue reading "THE GODLY TOUCH"

I Am A Sinner

Jesus brings light to a sinful world. I am a sinner; I've lived in darkness until the Lord came and brought the light. If I'd only known If you'd told

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I'm praying for America

Life changes for the GOOD or BAD. Tho I am older now, I can still run a race, Of course, I'll do it at my own pace. It would be for the broken-down America,

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Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord Forever and ever Lord Jesus is Lord The teacher of life tells his story Sharing with us His kingdom and glory Take this redemption

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That Night

The sky it shone with heavenly light As love was born one starry night No rich beginnings for this little one So meek a start God’s only son Humbly

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DELIVERANCE MINISTRY While it is true that Jesus and the Apostles cast out demons, does what we see in operation today, in regard to “Deliverance Ministries,”



By Jeff Hagan “‘Pardon me, my lord,’ Gideon replied, ‘but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.’

Continue reading "GOD USES ORDINARY "

No Vacancy

Driving cross-country we lighted upon A quaint little tourist town Its charm and beauty promised more Than any others we had found It's appeal prompted

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