by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL, USA)
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
As a boy preaching in the temple, Jesus was the same
To the wonder of all around Him, Glory to His name
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When He dipped in the river Jordan. Jesus was the same
As He pleased the loving Father, Glory to His name
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When He picked His faithful Twelve, Jesus was the same
To the wonderment of all around Him, Glory to His name
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When tempted on the mountain, Jesus was the same
As He answered with the scripture, Glory to His name
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When He healed the sick and dying, Jesus was the same
As the leaders cautioned Him for trying, Glory to His name
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When alone praying in the garden, Jesus was the same
As His friends fell asleep in waiting, Glory to His mane
Glory to His Name, Praise His Holy Name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When upon the cross of Calvary, Jesus was the same
When He cried It is finished, Glory to His name
Glory to His name, Praise His Holy name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When He was raised from the dying, Jesus was the same
To the amazement of all His followers, Glory to His name
Glory to His name, Praise His Holy name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When He sent His Spirit Comforter, Jesus was the same
As the faithful received the blessing, Glory to His name
Glory to His name, Praise His Holy name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
Now sitting to right of the father, Jesus is the same
Pleading our sinful forgiveness, Glory to His name
Glory to His name, Praise His Holy name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
When He comes in clouds of glory, He will be the same
He will bring redemptions story, Glory to His name
Glory to His name, Praise His Holy name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
Yesterday , today and forever, Jesus is the same
In my heart He reigns forever, Glory to His name
Glory to His name, Praise His Holy name
We may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name
Who is Jesus ? Have you ever contemplated asking this question ? Jesus, God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14), is the true gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4). So, what is the gospel, you may ask ? The word "Gospel" simply means "Good News" . The gospel is the teachings, and the hope of salvation found in Jesus Christ. The gospel is the center of Christian belief and the gospel of Jesus Christ is what separates Christianity from all other religions. You see, the founders of all other religions have long sense rotted in the grave. Whereas Jesus is alive and well, seated in Heaven at the right hand of the father always interceding on our behalf (Romans 8:34).
The longest definition of the gospel is found from page one to the end of the Bible, as the entire Bible is about Jesus. The shortest definition is said to be (John 3:16). And the full measure of accepting the gospel, which is having faith in God's free grace, is found in (Ephesians 2:8-9).
So, let us look on. You see, as the God man, Jesus Christ is perfect (Matthew 5:48). He is uniquely Holy ( 1 Peter 1:16). And He is full of glory (Psalm 19:1-3) . The word Holy means to be set apart, as is the manifestation of His attributes combined and God's glory never passes away, as he is always the same yesterday, today and forever Isaiah 40:28).
Has this all important question, as stated above, been answered ? Has it prompted your curiosity to research further ? The answer is in God's word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Just take a look.
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