Wise Advice

by Lanette Kissel
(Evansville, IN U.S.A.)

(Published in The Christian Journal Aug. 2012)

The evangelist, Paul, imparted his wise advice,
words to help us to find our way,
to keep us from stumbling in our walk with Christ,
to help us make the most of each day.

We should not become a house divided,
lest Satan attack us from behind.
We must be careful not to quarrel among ourselves,
but to be one in thought and mind.

Neither poor nor wealthy, neither slave nor free,
for as a family, we are all one.
We’re no longer enslaved by the law.
We are set free through our faith in God’s Son.

In our faith, stand firm, and do not be moved.
Avoid idolatry and immorality.
Whatever we do, do it for the Lord,
and we’ll receive the gift of immortality.

We should lift each other to God in prayer,
for the needs of every sister, every brother.
Remember, our greatest gift is love.
Above all else, we must love one another.

Nothing can separate us from God’s love,
no power in hell or here on this earth.
For along with Christ, we are heirs with Him,
of a miraculous eternal rebirth.

Comments for Wise Advice

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Feb 16, 2015
Reaffirming great truths
by: Colan L. Hiatt

Lest we tend to become complacent amid our daily activities, this writing brings us back to the basics that we should keep on the "front-burner."
The title well describes the poems content.

Jan 22, 2013
by: Kathleen

Beautiful and inspiring.

Jan 17, 2013
Great job
by: Frank Lane

You did another wonderful job with this poem. Thanks for telling us about your poetry.

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