by CharlesRobey
(Trussville, AL USA)

Where there's smoke there's fire
Is there one for hire
Don't get caught in the mire
While singing in the choir

Out the window watch it go
One's own character to throw
Now the talents will bestow
Room for trophies you know

The deeds do not align
One's achievements yet to find
Was it by innocent design
Or to give the peace of mind

Money is no object here
To help forward a career
The highest bid is cheer
Ability overcomes austere

If only the powers will forgo
All the wrongful cargo
By remembering the gusto
And the continued tempo

The old cliché "Where There's Smoke, There's Fire" is running rampant in today's political arena. Reports of possible full scale voter fraud, of candidate mistrust, of candidate illness, of news media bias, and of government intervention, is surfacing at all levels of our society. And the list continues, including the church's lack of concern. Is this old idiom really ringing true in this year's election? Time may only tell. However, relying on the element of time may be too late for America.

Never before, has a conclusion of judgment been reached in politics solely on as much misleading false information. Can we voters afford to let this happen? I think not, as this year's election is like none before. What's at stake here is "Religious Freedom", and "Constitutional Rights".

From a biblical perspective, we must be very careful in jumping to a conclusion of " Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire". We must prayerful researched the candidates agenda, according to the scriptures.

Very simply , to insure we are staying true to God's word (2 Timothy 3:16), and to strengthen our Christian testimony, we must stick to the Word. (Psalm 119:105 ) The scripture very clearly states we are to avoid "false impressions". (Psalm 34:13)

You see, when a candidate uses the language of misdirection, or omits parts of the truth, false impressions surface. And this type maneuver will destroy our God given freedom. So, please do your political "Home Work", then pray and be sure to vote God's principles.


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