by CharlesRobey
(Trussville AL USA)

Give me the ball, coach.

Give me the ball, coach.

The famous football coach, Paul (Bear) Bryant), once said, "When you're number one, you don't play for the tie." What does this famous football cliché have to do with our Christianity, you may ask ? Simply put, when you are a part of a dominating factor in society, such as true Christianity, you'd better get ready for those attacks. (Ephesians 6:12) And in doing so, always play to win. (1 Cor 9:25-27)

You see, this quote can rightly be paralleled to the ongoing modern day attacks on Christianity. However, any Christian intuitions, which prides themselves as preaching the true gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4), should not stoop to be downgraded to the extent of equalizing with the institutions, which promote an occult or false doctrine. Interrupt the scriptures to fit a particular cause or purpose. Or, just simply fail in the true interpolation of the scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:1-7,13)

Yes, we who name the name of Christ, seem to be coming under fire more so than in times gone by. (2 Cor 12:10) Is this just the so called modern day liberal religious mind-set? Is it that we are moving into the last days of prophetic living? If so, maybe then we should fall on our knees and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14), as never before.

So, how do we develop a winning "game plan"? Well, here's my top "10" list to advance in the spiritual "game of life" play book.

1. Have a Christ like spirit. (Philippians 1:10-11) In other words you are the only Bible most people read. (Philippians 1:27)
2. Don't let your human faults linger but confess your faults (1 John 1:9) and move on in your Christian experience.
3. Practice reading your Bible daily. (2 Timothy 3:16 ) Pick a time with no interruptions and let the Lord talk to you through His word.
4. Set aside a time for serious prayer. (Ephesians 1:16) Maybe a time early in the morning, to set your day. Or, after you retire at night, thanking Him for the day.
5. Always watch and listen to your fellow believers and try to mimic them, even if you don't necessary agree with them on all things. (1 John 3:16-18)
6. Pray for others, your friends co-workers and family. Especially, those who are unbelievers.(Colossians 1:9 )
7. Daily witness to at least one individual, in sharing God's word.(Romans 10:14)
8. Fellowship with other believers. Especially, those in your own circle, such as your church and Christian clubs or fraternities. (Hebrews 10:25)
9. Reform yourself daily. (James 1:21) Not for salvation but to reinforce your understand and belief.
10. And finally, daily fall in love with God all over again. You see, God loves you through His Son, Jesus. And it should be a "mutual admiration society". (Romans 8:28)

There you have it...my top 10 list. Simply put, our eternal position with the living God depends on our willingness to understand, believe and live the true Gospel. Now that you have studied the play book, this top "10" list should help you stay on top of your spiritual game. You see, God has a vision for your life beyond your imagining, but you have to depend on Him, not on yourself. (Jeremiah 29:11)

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