0ne of my favorite story tellers of days gone by was Paul Harvey. He was well known for keeping his audience in suspense to hear the rest of the story. His famous ending was “And now you know the rest of the story.” Mike Rowe, in his best seller “The Way I Heard It” tells of missing his flight while waiting in his vehicle to hear the rest of the story. In other words, Mr. Harvey’s stories all centered on what was next.

Yes, a little suspenseful drama never hurt anybody. It kind of stimulates our thoughts stirring mental associations, such as fiction, make believe, and even our “what’s next” wonders of life. Oftentimes it can even be the stimulus of our dreams.

In our hearts we may plan our course, but the LORD establishes our steps. We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our course in life, our plan of action. Thus, this blog is entitled “What’s Next, Y'All.”

(Proverbs 16:9)A man's heart plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”

The year was 1937. It was the season to be jolly. Within it all, the dead of winter had brought on customary wind-driven snow with zero temps within the West Virginia mountains. The great depression had ended and life was back and attempting to return to normal.

A young preacher and his wife, struggling to make ends meet in the aftermath of the depression, were bravely facing the feared blizzard weather of the mountains in an old, dilapidated vehicle en route to the hospital. It was to be the celebrated birth of their first-born child. They prayed for safe passage as they cautiously traveled up and down the snow-covered, hilly roads to the hospital emergency room.

By way of divine safe passage, the trip was accomplished, and a brand new little blond bundle of joy graced the world around him with his tearful presence, as if asking, what’s next?

What could be the thinking of this new arrival into such a cruel world? Could he have pondered, as he progressed through his early years asking, what’s next?

As this young lad moved through his formative years, he continued to look around in total amazement at all the happenings surrounding him, as he continued to ask, what’s next?

Skipping through those decades of good and bad years, aided by life’s adventures, this now older than dirt and twice as gritty senior is still prayerfully seeking the proper faith-based attitude. He's hoping for help from the merciful blessings of his living Creator. Yes, and still asking what’s next?

Sad to say, unaware of today’s culture taking him by surprise, this old coot’s patriotic mindset has now been turned somewhat upside down, like the pages of an old frightful movie plot. He's still hopeful of salvaging a few much needed and undeserved divine blessings from his living Creator in anticipation of just another day of recovery. Again, simply asking “What’s next?”

Thus, now in his retirement years, carefully waking up to his customary morning cup of Joe and burnt scraped toast, his expected reasoning has gained new respectful life, by way of his dreams. Continuing, of course to ask what’s next?

These dream world what’s next questions were so simple, as his old, tired body reflexed back into his fantasy dream world recollection. Then moving mysteriously from sound sleep into his dream world encounter, what’s next had finally arrived.

What’s next was here. Was it only a simple humorous expression of indignation? Was it an initiation? Was it a hopeful anticipation? Was it a promise? Was it for real? Was it only an imaginary fantasy?

So then, for him, time had traveled beyond all expectations, into this impossible dream realm of what’s next. “Why is that?” he wondered, scratching his head. Yes, “what’s next” had followed or succeeded. It was the aftermath of what has just happened.

Thus, his make-believe dream world, being the center of it all, the telltale fiction had ended his “What’s Next.” Now is the beginning of all reality, secular and faith based. AMEN!

(Jeremiah 29:11-13)” For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

So, what’s next on the providential calendar? Your guess is as good as mine, I suppose. Here's a hint, dust off that big, old, white family Bible underneath the coffee table; the one holding the family tree and Mom's favorite homemade recipes and go to reading. You’re sure to find what’s next. Story closed! Amen!


I trust you enjoyed (endured) this bit of fiction. I couldn’t help but drool a bit, as it just kept rolling of my tongue.

As far as our lives go, there may, or will be, many “what ifs” along the path of life’s stationary reality. With our living Creator’s help, many stumbling blocks will definitely be turned into steppingstones. Scripture is quick to remind us that nothing really changes, (Ecclesiastes 1:4-8) all is vanity, (Ecclesiastes 1:2) and nothing is new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1: 9)

Did this blog seem to border, for you, on life’s reality mixed with a tad of imaginary fiction or be a little illusionary in nature? No, I’m not on psychedelic enhancements, having hallucinations, or smoking weed. I’ve not tasted LSD or funky mushrooms, either.

Just being a bit literary and hopefully making life just a bit respectful of our yesterdays, today and the forthcoming future of our great land of the free, home of the brave.

Who was this character? Well, to be “Frank” he’d have to change his name, right? So, please allow me to complete the ending of this blog by introducing its main character. That would be me.

So, what if anything will be “what’s next?” Stay tuned, please, for more of the same; more ridiculously, yet serious fictional musing.

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