What Then?

by Bill
(Forest Grove, Or)

When all the great plants of our cities
Have turned out their last finished work;
When our merchants have made their last bargain
And dismissed the last tired clerk.
When our banks have raked in the last dollar
And have paid out the last dividend;
When the Judge of the earth says, "Close for the night,"
And asks for a balance - What then?

When the choir has sung its last anthem,
And the preacher has said his last prayer,
When the people have heard their last sermon
And the sound has died out on the air;
When the Bible lies closed on the pulpit,
And the pews are all empty of men,
When each one stands facing his record -
And the great book is opened - What then?

When the actors have played their last drama
And the mimic has made his last Pun;
When the movies have flashed the last picture,
And the billboard displayed its last run.
When the crowds seeking pleasure have vanished
And have gone into darkness again -
And the world that rejected its Saviour,
Is asked for a reason - What then?

When the bugle’s last call sinks in silence,
And the long marching columns stand still;
When the captain has given his last orders,
And they’ve captured the last fort and hill,
When the flag has been hauled from the masthead,
And the wounded afield have checked in,
When the trumpet of ages is sounded -
And we stand up before Him - What then?

When your life friend has run to a finish,
And the last you can do is then done;
When your work here on earth is all ended,
And eternity’s issues begun.
As you think of how long God has pleaded,
Of how Christ bore your sins on the tree;
And your soul stands there naked before Him,
And the Father denies you - What then?

Author unknown

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