What is Worth

by Alyssa Morris
(Granger, IN, US)

Stuff stuff stuff, I need more stuff:
money, jewels, luscious hair.
Stuff stuff stuff, I need more stuff.
Disregard the dying children out there.
I'm self centered, put me first.
So what if there peasants quenching with thirst.
Focus on what I desire,
not the needs others require.
Maybe later when my wants are met,
I'll help some people who are upset.
For now I stay in my personal bubble.
Later in life... that's when I'll be humble.
I'm a typical human, with a me-centered outlook
My goal is wealth, maybe I'll write a book

Money, money, money,
it dictates our economy.
I say I have no master,
but wealth shall be the end of me.
I store up my treasures here on earth,
because I don't know what synthetics are really worth.
They are worth nothing and neither am I.
If I have no virtues, I'm less than a fly.

But when I have faith, and trust in my lord,
When I invite others to hop on aboard,
We develope community and live at peace.
And our earthly treasures are what matter least.

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