
by Theresa
(MN )

I am an inspirational writer and newly made grandmother. Jesus is the Love of my Life!

As I look over my life tears of joy stream down my face.Tears of joy you say, I thought you said you've been raped and beaten, didn't your parents turn their backs on you when you were only a child? Yes I've been raped so many times I can't even count and beaten even more, everyone that was suppose to love me left me behind. I still have unspeakable joy, because through my tears and pain I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, " I have called you by name and formed you in your mothers womb, I have put a strength in you like no other". My Savior said to me, " I knew the enemy would try to destroy you but I know your heart, I knew you would grow up to be my Warrior and the things you went through you will use to set others free". Yes I have tears of joy roll down because I am a living testimony that God is real and through Him all things are possible.

Comments for Warrior

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Apr 30, 2013
loved it
by: eva

I thought this was very well expressed. I feel that you captured the pain that many feel, but still give the encouragement needed to overcome.

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