by Kathie Williamson
(Hartwell, Ga)

(Matthew l4:17-29)

They say the age of miracles
isn't for our world today
No one walks on water anymore
or calms the angry waves

We're still looking for a sign
of God's power to be displayed
To prove he's still the One
the winds and sea obey

But could it be we've missed it
and we just didn't see
that there are people walking on water
all around you and me

Maybe the water beneath our feet
has taken a different form
and the threatening winds that blow
are from a different kind of storm

There's a woman crying somewhere
for God to save her family
she's not walking on the water
but down on bended knee

But there's a storm in her life
that threatens to pull her family under
though there is no mighty wind
nor fearful clap of thunder

She cries out, "Lord bid them come to you"
"Please save my sons and daughters"
And climbing out of the boat
she walks upon the waters

There's a man in a hospital room
waves of fear tower over his head
Six more months to live
he's been told the cancer's spread

They tell him there's no hope
and there's nothing they can do
yet through the storm he prays
"Lord, bid me come to you"

He steps out of the boat
as life's waves crash and roar
and walking upon the water
he goes to meet his Lord

A mother holds her child somewhere
a husband holds his wife
there's people walking everywhere
through the stormy seas of life

The storms of life still threaten
in our world today
and our hearts are filled with fear
when we see the winds and waves

And beginning to sink we cry out
but over the crashing waves
we hear Him answer, "It is I"
"Do not be afraid"

I say the age of miracles
is still in our world today
and God's still speaking, "Peace be still"
as he calms the winds and waves

People are walking on the water
all around you and me
They reach out for his hand by faith
and He bids them, "Come to me"


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Aug 05, 2010
Water Walking Faith!
by: Janet

Pastor just gave a message on Water Walking Faith. Check it out on http://northside-chapel.org/ WOW!

Jul 31, 2010
Great Story of truth
by: Ronald Jenkins

Thank you for writing such a good poem. If only all the people could hear God's calling to keep steadfast and endure by faith.

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