Trash into Treasure

by Susan Nikitenko

Toilet paper rolls,
Jugs and tin cans,
Canisters, shoe boxes,
Old pots and pans;

Trash into treasure;
Old sock with a hole,
Transforming junk;
Into treasure my goal.

Crafting is something;
I really love dear.
Saved so much money;
Year after year.

Making something from nothing;
A really fun game.
Transforming it;
It’s never the same.

Some people buy it.
They think, it’s so great.
I’ve always gone green.
They’re coming in late.

Our Father in heaven;
Created this world.
Made something, from nothing;
Because He is Lord.

Nothing but junk;
While we lingered in sin,
‘Til, Jesus saved us;
and He entered in.

Turning trash into treasure,
Transforming with power,
He’s always conforming;
Each moment, each hour.

Without Him we’re nothing;
And lost in our sin
I’m no longer trash;
But I’m treasure in Him.

By: Susan Y Nikitenko 2009 - revised 2012

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