by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

Bring Back Sunday Night

Bring Back Sunday Night

Those Sunday night meetings, where did the people all go
Those Sunday night meetings, I miss that Holy Spirit's flow
Those Sunday night meetings, for some doors are still open
Those Sunday night meetings, for others the spirit is broken

Those Sunday night meetings, O how the hymns rang out
Those Sunday night meetings, how the faithful would shout
Those Sunday Night meetings, to the Word all would enter in
Those Sunday night meetings, as scripture would denounce sin

Those Sunday night meetings, testifying would fill the place
Those Sunday night meetings, one by one telling God's grace
Those Sunday night meetings, the preacher would stand to speak
Those Sunday night meetings, as the Spirit would reach its peak

Those Sunday night meetings, friends would sit in row by row
Those Sunday night meetings, and to the alter they all would go
Those Sunday night meetings, faith would be given the first place
Those Sunday night meetings, as all were saved by God's grace

Those Sunday night meetings, how may we bring them back
Those Sunday night meetings, how may we get back on track
Those Sunday night meetings, God's priority must take its course
Those Sunday night meetings, and to the world we must divorce

I really miss those Sunday night services. Something about those meetings, just make worshiping God special. Maybe it was that "old fashion" free-and-easy spirit. In any event, I wish we still had them.

After the service, a group of us would then go down to the local cafe for pie and coffee. And yes, that same spirit would transfer to our "coffee house" conversation.

Well, I just miss all that fellowship, so I decided to put my thoughts down in prose. Thanks for dropping by.

Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing to the house of the Lord

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