This Worlds Creation

by William Gonzalez
(Chicago Illinois)

As I look at this world's creation, I can't help but fall in love,
From the amazing precious beauty from the Earth and stars above.

Like a passing cloud that thunders loud and rains upon Earths surface,
To all the plants and trees that provide us food, everything will serve God's purpose.

Like the birds that sing and the bells that ring, to declare their makers praise,
To the moon at night and Suns morning light, that emits it's brilliant rays.

Like a flowing river from the mountains pillar, this whole world reveals God's glory.
To the inspired word that speaks the truth and tells all about God's story.

This amazing beauty in God's creation, has given me exceeding gratitude and appreciation.
And even though this world is temporary and to heaven it can't compare,
It's intricate design has God's plan in mind and I can't help but embrace and stare.

Comments for This Worlds Creation

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Jun 29, 2018
Good poem
by: Lanette

I, too, am in awe of God's beautiful creation. Your poem was a fine tribute of the Lord's handiwork. Good poem.

Nov 22, 2017
by: Jennifer

This is Amazingly Beautiful.

Feb 04, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

This really speaks to me. There have been time when I haven't been able to receive from the church, but the natural world pointed me back to him. Thank you for expressing this so beautifully!

Nov 19, 2016
Great poem!
by: Anonymous

Good job! This world is just a tiny part of God's masterpiece. When we ascend to His glorious kingdom , we will get to see it all. All your poems are good, continue to write and glorify God.

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