"This Soul I Fight For"

by Ashley Tagoon
(South Carolina )

Father can you hear me, it's been five days, not a word not a trace, LORD I'm asking will you please make a way. This soul I fight for bounded up in those chains, a soul I adore but burden with guilt, pain, and shame. This soul I fight for, leave behind I can't do, a soul the enemy can't have, I'll stand and fight promise LORD I made just to you. This soul I fight for has gone off the grid, the tears down my face as I seek this soul I fight for, now deeply hid. This soul I fight for as you sent this preacher and this deacon, arriving at a grave site, a soul kneeling and weakened. This soul I fight for, your word he gave, mercy I asked, salvation in hand, a soul's broken chains no longer bound up and no more a soul deeply enslaved. This soul I fight for, you now have brought home, there in your grace giving you glory and praise, my family, my offering as we serve and worship your great name.

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