This New Day

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

As dawn dispels the black of night
Often I've thanked Him for another day
To ask His guidance, - I know is right
With good intent, thus I would pray

But as I thought, about my request
There occurred to me a different view
It's so much more than "another" day
This one is - - - entirely new !

Today, - I have another chance
To right some wrong, I had done
Just say "I'm sorry" and make amends
And finish some task, left undone

Those opportunities, where I failed
From me they have, forever fled
Yet bridges I have never crossed
May lie before, on the road ahead

It's great to bask in memories past
But I must not linger there
Perhaps reach out, to someone new
Share their burden, and show I care

Lord help me, to not, my duty shirk
It's imperative that I be alert
Lend a hand, to the down-and-out
Help them to, their past convert

Let me not rest - or be content
Though my days be many or a few
At dusk give thanks, for another day
And at dawn - - - - for a new !

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