The True Captain

by Alex Reece and Bink Spencer
(Angola, IN)

My lungs are filled with salty air as I drift out over the sea,
I led this ship through waters fair, and tides that burdened me.
I alone have captained this ship and led my crew to victories strong,
I have these waters in my grip; I’ve strongly held them all along,

So today I travel once again, not a worry or a fear,
I have the power to defend the ship that I hold near,
Though I see storm clouds over the horizon, it worries me none at all,
I have complete control of this ship and I’m sure that it won’t fall.

There is no wind and there is no rain strong enough to beat us now.
Not even the mightiest hurricane could begin to tear us down.
The greatest sailor and the greatest ship team up to lead our crew
Through the waters once again till we reach sand of somewhere new.

Then the thunder began to roar and the waves were much too tall.
My heartbeat quickened, but I did not fear as the rain began to fall.
I looked around and saw the faces and my men staring at me.
This is my chance, now is my time, for I am king of the sea!

"Tighten up those sails!" I shouted, the wind drowning out my voice,
Our ship's unchanging course rerouted, I claimed it was by choice,
I thought that I still had control, never once have I failed this ship,
But stronger did those waters roll, as on the rails I tightened my grip.

Dark and ominous clouds about me, the deck was flooding now,
A crewmate turned my way fearfully, water and blood soaking his brow.
"Don't you have control?' He asked, and shed a single tear.
My lips started to protest but were paralyzed by my fear.

"No," I said, "I have no control of this ship I'm set to captain."
I'm tossed about like a feather in the wind, in these waters we are trapped in.
The captain is the greater One who made this mighty storm,
So let us pray for calmer waters and then feel no alarm."

So we fell down to our knees as the ship rocked back and forth,
With a humble, defeated plea, I called out to my Lord.
"Captain, Captain, take control! No anchor but You can hold us.
This ship was yours all along, so do with it as You must.
I give my everything back to you, and for my crew I'd give my life,
But please, oh God, I beg of You, don't let my people die!"

The waters began to still and clouds turned back to blue,
A chance to start over, with a hope as good as new.
Never again will I doubt God exists somewhere beyond the sunset,
Because I know there was a place on that ship that night where God's Son sat.

Comments for The True Captain

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Jan 18, 2015
Good concept and poem
by: Anonymous

My congrats to this poetry team for a very good and well written poem that reads like a suspense story in rhyming format. And the takeaway is perfect, for when we try to captain our own ship, we find that alone we are not up to the task, but only by God's grace.
Lanette Kissel
By the way, I'm also an Indiana poet.

Nov 21, 2014
by: Mark

Thanks for your submission to my website. I love it. It will be a blessing to all who read it. Thanks again.
Mark (

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