by David Kee
(Electra, Texas)
Pentecostal Church of God
Luke 23:39-43
Why was there three crosses? You know most of the time when we think of the crosses we focus on the middle cross. The cross of Calvary and rightfully so. A few years ago a pastor friend of mine shared on the purpose of the three crosses. The more I studied on the crosses the more I thought... WOW, I had never thought much about the other two crosses.
1. The other two crosses are a reminder that Christ died for all. There are those who accept him and those who do not.
2. The thieves remind us that it is not our circumstances but OUR CHOICES that our eternal destiny. Both sinners were in the same situation, but only one chose to accept eternal life and the other chose to blaspheme God and die. We all make this choice today we choose either life or death the eternal separation from God.
3. We see all three hanging there on their crosses.
A. One died in sin- and was lost.
B. One died to sin- and went with Christ into the Paradise of
Then there was the cross in the middle. The cross of Christ. He died for sin, for your sin and mine. To pay a price for you and for me. This has given us all equal access to the Father, and bringing many into the Kingdom through Salvation offered to all.
Jesus is the best choice you will ever make.
The first thief did not see or could not see that Jesus is the son of God and could not see past his circumstances so he mocked Jesus. In doing this he chose death over life. We all have known or know people just like this man. They do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior therefore they choose death over life.
The second thief seen that Jesus was the Son of God and rebuked the other thief and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He chose life over death and wasn't just sorry for getting caught. He was sorry and repented for his sins and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. In doing this he died to sin.
I hope this is what we all have done and this is to repent of our sins and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. As we look at the three crosses there are but two choices and they are LIFE or DEATH.
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