The Son

by Alex Reece
(Fort Wayne, IN)

Part 1: The Dawn

The feeling of needing what we do not deserve,
The feeling of seeing the heavens disturbed,
But something was needed to suffice for our flaw,
It began with the miracle that God oversaw.

Even the mightiest bucks start as fawns,
The brightest of days start with dim dawns,
The largest of trees start with just a seed,
And from lowly birth came the Savior we need.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the man who knows all,
In the form of an infant, who was never to fall,
The highest of nobility in the lowliest state,
God as a human, to whom we relate.

That birth was the beginning of all that we know,
It lifted us up from our destination below,
So with the heart of a soldier we will fight on,
With our minds thankful for the morning Son’s dawn.

Part 2: The Light

His hands healed the sick, His mouth spoke the word,
His feet always quick, to the cries that He heard,
His thoughts always right, His mind on the goal,
Of living a life that was perfect and whole.

Never self-serving, but always for others,
Always concerning the lives of His brothers,
Inscribed in His heart, the single word “Forgive,”
Our King from the start, as a servant He lived.

“Teacher,” they asked, “what’s the greatest command,”
With a gracious look back, He smiles and stands,
“Love the Lord,” He says, “With all you possess,”
With this request that He has, we discover true rest.

Bringing service to us all, and mostly to love,
To lift those who fall, He came from above.
When it’s too dark to see, we know of a light,
And a hand that will guide us, through the darkness of night.

Part 3: Nightfall

Crying; still bleeding,
Dying; not breathing,
Sighing; Believing,
Loving; not leaving.

Falsely convicted,
Harshly restricted,
Vainly depicted,
Always conflicted.

I list the things that He was on that night, as I realize the depth of my debt.
I sigh as I fight that internal fight, that fight of deepest regret.
Our sins put Him there, His willingness kept Him,
Thought it was unfair, it didn’t upset Him.

The depth of His love extends past infinity,
The depth of the suffering of serine divinity,
The depth of our wrong and the depth of His right,
The depth of the debt when The Son turned to night.

Part 4: Sonrise

Like fire uncontained, there comes a time to rise,
To pass that which is vain, and head towards the skies,
To conquer that which lies below and move to the proper place,
So Jesus rose from the tomb below and showed the world His face.

He showed that He could not be defeated, that He would rise again,
He showed that though we lose sometimes, with God there is no end
He showed that there can be no defeat, that God will see us through,
He showed that death is victory for believers like me and you.

Sometimes we reach a lowly state like Jesus on the cross,
But we know that we can rise like Him and never have a loss.
We win the battle against sin and rise to victory,
We rise like Jesus from within and bow down on our knee.

We rise from that which brings us down and know that we are winners,
This rising makes us just like Him, though we know that we are sinners.
God watched the cross in agony, seeing tears in His Son’s eyes,
But He won that battle for you and me, and smiled as He watched His Sonrise.

Comments for The Son

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Nov 06, 2014
A very good depiction of Christ's life
by: Lanette Kissel

I really enjoyed your extensive poem. A lot of thought went into that one. Good work!

Oct 08, 2014
by: Eva

Great work. What a word. Keep up the good work.

Oct 08, 2014
by: Mark

Thanks Alex. What a beautiful poem that depicts what the Lord did for us on the cross. Thank God He didn't stay there! Amen? Praise the Lord!
Mark Hollingsworth...

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