The Scars of Secret Sins

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

If I only knew then what I know now!

If I only knew then what I know now!

II Samuel 12:1-14

Introduction: Sin always leaves a scar in our lives - especially so-called "secret sins." There are really no secret sins since they are all known unto God - and sometimes may become known to many others. The scars of sin remain for life and the only way to prevent the scars is to prevent the sin.

This is the story of David's sin. Adultery, murder, lying and a cover up for an extended period of time. We see here generations of sorrow as a result of a moment of lust. Scars can be testimonies of Divine surgery in your life. Remember - He that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesses and forsakes it shall have mercy - but consequences remain.

1. The Certainty of Discovery (12:7)

Nathan came and pointed his prophetic forefinger right at the king and said "Thou are the man." Be sure your sins will find you out. Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.

2. The Covetousness of David (12:8-9)

David could not rest content in God's provision for his life. God will always supply what you need - it is the greed that gets us into trouble.

3. The Chastisement of David (12:10-12)

David lost peace in his home and peace in his land.

4. The Confession of Sin (12:13)

Read Psalm 51 to get the music along with the message of this text. David was truly repentant - but consequences remained.

5. The Consequences of Sin (12:14)

The child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.

Conclusion: Each of us is either under the judgment of sin which God has never forgiven or we are suffering from the chastisement due to sins He has forgiven. Sin leaves a scar and those scars remain in some sense until we die.

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