The Ribbon Cutting

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

A parcel of land, - overgrown
On a field outside of town
Little value it seemed to offer
On society's page, it was not found

A scout from a well noted firm
Seeking where they might expand
Found it to be desirable
And secured it for their future plan

After months, the landscape changed
Modern structures they did erect
The bleak was now transformed
The former image you could not detect

Opening day was soon announced
Throngs of people gathered there
The ribbon cutting would be at ten
Reality, they would now declare

From obscurity to a place of charm
An asset to many it became
A new dimension to the town
Prosperity, - they could claim

Is not this a basic metaphor
Of the plight of a wandering soul
Distraught and a castaway
A lost sheep from the fold

Then marvelous and undying love
Was extended to a fallen race
A "ribbon cutting" paved the way
When at Calvary, Christ took our place

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