by CharlesRobey
(Trussville, AL USA)

Just Looking Around!

Just Looking Around!

I go to church and look to see
The people in the pew
Are they different or just like me
The people in the pew
Are they all just one big family
The people in the pew
Are they in the service to agree
The people in the pew
Are they showing their holy plea
The people in the pew
Are they loving others or just me
The people in the pew
Are they bound or are they free
The people in the pew
Are they good and from evil flee
The people in the pew
Are they silent or their song in key
The people in the pew
Are they raising hands in allege
The people in the pew
Are they praying on bended knee
The people in the pew
Are they shouting to the ministry
The people in the pew

"All the believers were together and had everything in common." (Acts 2:44)

What do you see, when you sit down to that Sunday morning church service? Structured pews full of people, or a room made up of many individual God fearing souls? Do you speak to the one seated next to you? Or, are you just wrapped up in your own self-righteous world? And do you shake that brother's hand, as you pass by, or do you just look to the sky?

You see, we all are "One Big Happy Family". Or, we should be. For, if we have claimed Jesus as our Savior, we all are brothers and sisters in Christ.

Yes, whether we attend a small country church, or are a member of a large cathedral, all churches are simply made up of people. People just like you and I. People rich and poor. People happy and sad. People hurting and well. And people with certain needs and wants. Just plain people who just need a touch of the Master's hand.

And, ironically, some may be lost and others found, within the structure of the gospel. Some may be in need of friendship, while others may just be in need of a friendly smile of encouragement. So, next time you dawn that hallowed church sanctuary, just reach out to those around you, in a signification of godly love.

I realize, oftentimes, reaching out to others may not come so easy. I understand the Bible tells us to "always be joyful," "never stop praying," and that it's "God's will," that "we be thankful in all circumstances" (1 Thess 5:16-17), but there are times when we may just not feel like it, from a human standpoint. However, by the grace of God, we can conquer any adversity. The apostle Paul, who was just as human as you and me, was an over comer by God's grace.(1 Cor 12:9)

God's commands confront our "religious smugness," if you will. Our complacency within ourselves, and within our church. It isn't easy sometimes, to show love, as it oftentimes can be costly. However, the more we take the risk of partaking in "Christian Love", the more we will discover His immense love. (James 4:8) Again, just join in. Be a part of the church. Be a member of one. Amen

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