The Pastors Friend

The Church is dead, said Brother Frown
It is true said Gossip, it's sure going down
His sermons are long, there cut and dried
He uses way too much money, Brother Stingy cried
I'm going to leave, Brother Gadabout lowed go to a bigger church

But Old Brother Faithful sat in his place.
The sunshine of Glory beaming off his face,
that good Saint worshiped in prayer and in song
and to him, there wasn't one single thing wrong.

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Aug 03, 2018
What if Pastor has gone astray?
by: Anonymous

But what if the pastor leads a Bible study about a Flat Earth and says NASA lies about everything and other Synod pastors agreeing it's wrong. But pastor twists everything around to the leaders within the church to make what he taught was okay, when the Synod president told him to stop! He has lost credibility to most that attended the class. I am really struggling with attending. When he promoted the class and while he was teaching it, he really seemed to believe these theories.

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