by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

Give Me That Old Time Religion

Give Me That Old Time Religion

I remember it well as if it were today
Seeing that big tent as we met to play
Watching as the big poles were raised
Just standing there in wonder and amazed
As the tent was raised reaching ever so high
It seemed to touch Heaven up in the sky
The seats were all placed in orderly rows
For the many hopeful coming inflows
The stage was all set for a big music event
The instruments ready for the sound ascent
As the singing rebounded from rafters so high
Songs of Beulah Land and the Sweet By and By
Amen's and Hallelujah's echoed the singing.
While young and old to the spirit were cleaving
Testimonies sprang up from all over the tent
How to the gospel from sin they did repent
Now starts the sweet gospel message of grace
When by faith the old sinful nature is erased
The message concluded by a formal command
Asking for one and all to take the gospel stand
As many attending moved forward to receive
The simply gospel message was fully believed
Yes I long for that Old Time religion still
For the deep longing in my heart to fulfill


I remember when my preacher Daddy held that famous camp meeting. He prepared the church sanctuary, by placing straw on the floor to resemble an old fashion "brush-arbor revival. And, he also placed hay around our old fashion church altar. A big bright revival sign was placed in front of the church, listing the dates and performers. This revival was the talk of our small community. But, more importantly, it was very well received, as many lives were changed by the preaching of God's "Plan of Salvation".

I'll never forget that old "Fasola Sacred Harp" singing coupled with those spontaneous shouts of "Amen's" and " Hallelujah's ".

It seems that now-a-days we tend to be too stiff in our Christian services. As one old Deacon put it in his prayer, "Lord please make something happen in the service today that's not in the bulletin". I agree. I really miss that "Old Time religion" What about you? Do you have memories of your old fashion church experiences?

" Remember your leaders, who spoke God’s message to you; reflect on the outcome of their lives and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever! Do not be carried away by all sorts of strange teachings. For it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not ritual meals foods, which have never benefited those who participated in them". (Hebrews 13:7-8)

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