The Old Mantle

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

The house more than a century old
Beside a lonely country road
Gives memories of, fond bygone days
Years ago, it was my abode

A mantle framed the old fireplace
On many a bleak and blustery day
Warmth and comfort I derived
It's heat would chase the chill away

That mantle was, the focal point
Where often tokens, might be found
Keys or a note - perhaps small tools
Oft' needed items, might there abound

Did I mention photos in small frames
Of family friends, and close kin
School pictures and Bob in navy uniform
And others too, - well, you know the spin

Now you might think of it as cluttered
In the view of things today
But it served a purpose, in itself
Simplicity was the natural way

Fireside warmth and mantle memories
How they would soothe, body and soul
With the hustle of today's routine
When I am weary, they console

As the mantle framed, this cozy spot
In likeness, I find it to be true
Cloaked in the mantle of God's love
Grace can be found, to see us through

Sustained by Him, in stressful times
He'll buoy us to a higher plane
When pain and sorrow, comes our way
Victory - through Him, we can obtain

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