The hand that holds me

by Ashley Tagoon

You don't know me and that's ok but when the Father speaks I have to obey.
Take my hand, I want and need you to see, I would like you to meet the hand that holds me.
There's more to life than what meets the eye, don't you know there is a Heavenly Father who hears your heart cry.
Not much farther, we're almost there and the holes in hands, he suffered beyond what no man could bare.
He knows your wants, your hearts desire even in your position thinking your world is in hell and on fire.
His crown of thorns placed and pierced on his head, his broken body as his blood he had shed.
The cross he carried, it was there he laid down as the nails were driven in, his hands and feet finally bound.
He hung on that cross as he hung his head, the crowd that watched and said he was dead.
You must know the story and what happened the third day, out of the tomb he rose and is alive til this day.
He is the one I'm taking you to see, he loves you more than you could know, yes he died for you and me.
He carried that cross, he wore that crown as his body so broken and took the nails in his hands while it laid on the ground.
No matter your life or what troubles and haunts you, call on his name and watch what he'll do.
As we approach and walk through the door, here is the hand that holds me, our most loving Savior and Lord.

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Aug 06, 2020
Only if we all could see
by: Dave

What a true blessing! Thank you for the Awesome truth. Only if we all could see what Jesus has given to us who believe.

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