The Gift of Salvation

by James Ralston
(Gainesville FL)

Everyday is like Christmas.
We all get presents.
There are two types of presents under the Christmas tree of life.

One type is the gift of the world.
It is wrapped in a brightly colored package, and colorful ribbon.
It has promises all over it, that are said to bring happiness.
Yet when opened the promises are empty,
Meaningless, and leave us empty.
Yet we open open each present each day to find the same result.
Searching for meaning in life.

The other type comes from God.
It is a present wrapped in wood from the cross.
Its ribbon is brightly colored as well.
It is the blood of Christ shed for us, to save us from the power and wage of sin.
It contains a dangerous road, and hardship.
It also contains two promises.
The first promise that whoever believes in Christ will have eternal life and not perish.
The second promise that we are forgiven of, and free from our sin.
Yet many do not open this gift, that is under the Christmas tree of life.
Lord Jesus help us to open and recieve your gift of salvation.

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