The Cure For Spiritual Dementia

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

I Corinthians 11:23-28

Introduction: This is a brief meditation for the observance of the Lord's Table.

1. The Teaching (11:24-25)

The blood of Christ secures our life and the body (bread) of Christ sustains our life. We are quick to plead the blood when we come to Christ but how well do we daily feast on the Bread to sustain life. Our memory of our dependence on Christ for salvation and sanctification seems to be defective. He says, "remember me . . .remember me."

2. The Timing (11:26)

All of this was instituted just prior to the death of our Lord. Last words are always important words. In essence this was his dying request/command. Recently, the last known World War I veteran for America testified before a congressional panel. He is 108 years of age! His last request was to have a fitting memorial for World War I veterans on the Mall in Washington DC.

No sooner than the old man uttered those words, the committee chairman indicated he felt like adjourning since nothing else needed to be added (of course he didn't). Our Lord, mere hours before His death, asked us to erect a fitting memorial for Him until He returns.

3. The Testing (11:28)

"But let a man examine himself." The Lord's Table is like a trial run for the Judgment Seat of Christ. Our Lord says check yourself now or I will do it later. Much suffering - due to Divine chastisement - goes unnoticed in the modern church due to the neglect of proper examination at the Lord's Table.

4. The Temptation (11:26)

Did you ever forget an important birthday? If you biblically remember His death then you will never forget His birth! The obedient observance at the Lord's Table might possibly be the most important factor missing in the life of those who are so busy "celebrating" His birth.

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