by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone,Or. America)

This was the picture that hung on the wall in the Church where I was saved as a kid.

I’ve got a car that won't half run
but it will almost get me there
I’ve got a house that needs a paint job
with some tender love and care

I’ve got a family of eight
and not much on the plate
But the good Lord is still good to us
And yes we’re doing great

I guess it's good to have some things
As long as you know who you are
In our sweet Lord Jesus Christ
He’s the Bright Morning Star

Though we don’t have much money
We have the good Lord to provide
Our needs and wants are greatly fulfilled
with Jesus Christ inside

And we don’t know of any better way to live
We don’t know of any better way to give
It doesn't take a scientist to figure out what’s right
Our Jesus Christ is the One who gives eternal life

I see a man in the corner
who looks a whole lot like I did
I didn’t care about anyone else
I just kept myself well hid

I use to blame everyone who
tried hard to make me see
That there’s another way living life
Praise God They Got To me

And we don’t know of any better way to live
We don’t know of any better way to give
It doesn't take a scientist to figure out what’s right
Our Jesus Christ is the One who gives eternal life

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