The Beginning of the Gospel

Mark 1:1-14

The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ; men and nations had waited for centuries for His coming.

I. The Messenger.

A. This messenger was John the Baptist (v.4)
B. He is the fulfillment of prophecy (v.3; Mal.3:1)
C. He told of Christ's coming (v.7)
D. John preached repentance for sins (v.4)

II. The Baptism.

A. He is baptized by John in Jordan (v.9)
B. The Holy Trinity is manifested at this event (vv.10-11)
C. The importance of baptism (Acts 2:38; Mat.28:18-20; Acts 16:33)

III. The Temptation.

A. Was in the wilderness, tempted for forty days (v.13)
B. Three methods of temptation were tried on Him (Matt.4)
1. These are the same three that caused Eve to take the forbidden fruit.
2. They are the ones that Satan uses today (1Jn.2:16)
C. The angels ministered to Him (v.13)
D. He was tempted in all ways that we are tempted (Heb.4:16)

IV. The Kingdom.

A. The kingdom of God at hand (v.15)
B. Repentance (v.15)
C. Belief (v.15)

V. The Church.

A. The word, "Church," means a called-out body. A New Testament church is a called out body of baptized believers, who are covenanted together for the spreading of the gospel.
B. He "calls out" Simon and Andrew, and James and John (vv.16-20)
C. They leave other things to follow Jesus

God wants us to believe the gospel, live the gospel and spread the gospel by preaching the gospel.

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