The Battle Within

by Tessa Butorac
(Australia NSW)

The Battle Within

The spirit and the flesh continue to war,
The territory of the mind is what they fight for.
Contrary to each other in all that they will,
One seeks to give life while one seeks to kill.
Easily aroused is the flesh to temptations,
Desiring to conform to sins inclinations.
With a vision to pursue those things which dissolve,
In the ways of corruption it loves to indulge.
But the mind of the spirit on God does remain,
And from the lusts of the flesh its set to refrain.
Delighting instead in those things which are clean,
With eyes turning inward toward the unseen.

Hasting to give aid to the flesh when it’s fruitless,
Are the allies of Satan so cunning and ruthless.
Patiently observing they study the mind,
With strategy then placing the traps set to bind.
Just a thought that flashes and crosses so quick,
Soon can entangle and snare and artfully trick.
Sin making its appeal with enticement that sways,
In the blink of an eye a transaction is made.
With gifts that are fleeting like a fire that burns,
It glistens and fizzles then to ashes it turns.
The flesh profits nothing only darkness employed,
With an appetite determined of itself to destroy.

The spirit is strengthened upon meditation,
From the words in the Book it receives revelation.
Firmly rooted and grounded in love all its days,
Being mindful toward others in all of its ways.
Overlooking offenses it forgives of all treason,
Exceeding in joy with a faith beyond reason.
The path of righteousness it ever pursues,
Empowering the sinner with a mind that renews.
In the midst of this battle I fight to prevail,
But sometimes there’s weakness to succumb and to fail.
Continuously wrestling in the mind with this thing,
Dwelling within me the member of sin.

Comments for The Battle Within

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May 12, 2018
Very good (well written)
by: Dave

Thank God for the Word ; Whom has taken all for all once and for all, The Lord Jesus Christ. Your poem reminds me of Pilgrims Progress a great book too read.

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