Sunshine, Flowers and Rainbows

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or. America)

Sunshine, Flowers and Rainbows,
Are some beauties of life,
Only God’s love bestows.
Through man's endless strife,
His Love always flows.

Let it flow through the darkness,
to bring in the light.
Let it flow through the wrong,
to change it to right.

Let it flow through the madness,
that's grown in our land.
Let it flow where there's weakness,
giving courage to stand, I said to stand

Fathers, Mothers and Children,
can use all His love,
In this world of sin,
Through life's push and shove,
He knows where we’ve been.

He knows of the hard times,
and the hurt deep inside.
He see’s all our failures,
we’ve covered with pride.

He knows of man of man's greed,
and what it will do,
If Christians don’t stand up,
for what's right and what’s true, I said what’s true

God’s Faith, His Hope and Joy,
Are the new birth rights,
Salvation insures,
as we walk in His light,
These blessings endure.

They endure through our family,
So deep and so strong.
They endure through our churches,
We’ll sing His new song.

They endure in our nation,
His Justice to do.
They endure in our world,
mankind to renew, I said renew.

Sunshine, Flowers and Rainbows,
Are some beauties of life,
Only God’s love bestows.
Through man's endless strife,
His Love always flows.

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