Suitcases Made of What?

It has been reported that a woman who was about to fly from Chile to Spain was arrested for possession of cocaine. Although this may happen quite frequently, this time the drug “was not hidden in the luggage. This time the suitcases were the drug,” stated a detective.

Apparently the suitcases were made of a substance combining cocaine with resin and fiber glass, which can be separated by undergoing a chemical process. The officer said that the suitcases were heavier than their contents.

The “creativity” used to disguise wrongdoing can be amazing! Yet that’s how it’s been from the beginning. Satan, disguised as a serpent, deceived Eve by painting a beautiful and seemingly harmless picture of what “could be.” However, what Eve soon found out was that There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 14:12)

Today that deception continues. Millions around the world and in our own neighborhoods are being deceived by religion, tradition, self-sufficiency, works, materialism, etc. We, as well as our missionaries, are tasked with sharing the truth of the Gospel to the spiritually blind. Are we taking our task seriously?

Weekly "Connection Point" June 10, 2009

Baptist Bible Fellowship International

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