by Charles (Chuck) Robey
(Trussville, AL USA)

"Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from You; You are the ruler of all things. In Your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name." (I Chronicles 29:11-13)

Have you ever taken the time to sit down in a public area, and stop, look and listen? Simply lend an ear, to those around you. You may be surprised with what you might run into. We freelance Americans are among the majority, when it comes to the freedom of expression. In other words, we Americans, and I count myself in, who contend in a cause or in a succession of various causes, as we choose, without personal attachment or allegiance, are among the best people in the world. Always, stop, look and listen.

(On the railroad crossbars was written “stop look listen,” a phrase attributed to an anonymous engineer who thought that immigrants who read only rudimentary English would be able to understand the three words and heed their warning. Now automatic devices warn motorists and pedestrians to be mindful of approaching trains. Taken from the internet.)

The other day, I was sitting in the local shopping mall when I was suddenly overcome by a conversation between two seasoned war veterans. Both were well dressed, including the matching service caps. What was so amazing about these two veterans was their view of politics, especially their views of the upcoming American election.

Although they seemed to be well-informed in their political views, apparently they were on the opposite sides of the political fence. I can't recall the entire conversation. But the argument seemed to center around the trends in America's culture.

One man, who was wearing a WWII commemorative cap, was rather direct and to the point in his take of this coming election. He felt that we should all support America's right of freedom and vote our conscience regardless of the unverified scuttlebutt, as he so vividly pronounced it in no uncertain terms, that has now surrounded this upcoming election. He stated that we should not allow evil intentions to take over our land, and not let any state of mind or attitude set this country back to the dark ages of corrupt politics.

The other man was not so decisive in his take on this election. He too, said he was fed up with all the goings-on, but he simply responded by stating that he probably wouldn't even vote.

This attitude seemed to set the first man off to no end. Using every descriptive superlative term of today's dictionary, he made his reply. "My friend, if you can find a better foxhole, go get in it."

I wanted to stand at attention and salute the first gentlemen's viewpoint, but thought it best not to do so for the sake of possibly inciting a riot. I did leave these two men with a parting thought, however. Plucking up my courage, I calmly stated, "Gentleman, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on your very spirited conversation concerning the upcoming election. And may I just leave you with this, if you don't vote, you have no reason to complain."

With that, I hurriedly left the area. Nonetheless, both men did thank me for my comment without any response. I think they got the picture.

I understand that our American political demographics seemingly have changed. We are now seeing an uptick in cynicism among the populace with respect to politics, politicians, and even government in general. Many seem to have lost interest in the American way of life. That causes me to wonder, 'Just exactly what kind of life do they actually want, or expect?'

Those of us living in The United States of America are on the verge of the most important election in America's history. And with this election comes an agenda of two separate philosophies. That of socialism verses capitalism. The differences are very obvious, very different in feeling and thought with a separation of academic discipline of immense scope and diverse interest. Not to mention the apparent differences in religious opinions.

If I could be allowed to form an opinion based on the broad marketplace and such influences as the unconfirmed broadcast news media, the free talk media, the legal media and the public square, these political party differences would appear to be gigantic. One party seems to be set on continuing to move America's prosperity and freedom forward from the mindset of the recent past. The other party seems to be set on moving America back to the political dictates of the liberal past.

Nonetheless, please allow me to move on with respect to this highly-charged political subject, to that of a godly or Christian perspective. Reference this blog's introduction Scripture.

When our Creator created the human race, He laid down certain religious and social commandments. These are the Decalogue set of Biblical principles relating to ethics and worship. (Exodus 20:1-17) (Deuteronomy 5:6-22)

However, through the sin nature of mankind, these guidelines have been altered many times by human hand and behavior. (Romans 5:12-21) You see, mankind continues to be divided into two camps; that of Adam (Romans 5:14) or Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:15)

Along with this evil onslaught of rapidly progressing unseen spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12) have come the many perils of apostasy within Christian circles. (II Timothy 3:1-9, 13)

And in the middle of this progressive social mix which has fostered a mindset of self-actuation, the populace has become no longer content to hear sound Scriptural teaching, but is compelled to turn to many different teachers of novelty and untruth. (II Timothy 4:3-4).

The Scripture is explicit in that our Creator was, is and will always be in control of our great universe, including its leaders.

I also realize, however, that Scripture does confirm that God has used both godly and ungodly rulers to effect His sovereign will. So we must continue to pray for these leaders that He has placed in charge. (Daniel 2:21)

Not only should we pray for these leaders, but we should also be good citizens, realizing of course, that the state has certain obligations and so do we. (Romans 13:1-7)

We should never let antipathy toward government turn into a subtle form of rebellion against God. We should always seek the truth, make good assessments, and vote intelligently, based on Biblical conviction.

And mainly, we should never be swept along by any wind of false doctrine or false political promises. There are many wolves who come in sheep's clothing. (Matthew 7:15) In other words, do your homework, then get out and vote.

Before you go to vote, however, please stop, look and listen. Amen!

Author's Postscript

"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." (Colossians 2:8)

Wow, this is a wrap-up of my entire blog! You see, God doesn't consult with us in determining His plan or purpose for America. In other words, we must be in His sovereign will, as He has made no provisions to be in our will. Only when we understand this principle may our prayers be answered.

With regards to politics, when me, myself and I are on the throne of our lives, we can rest assured that chaos will follow. We must not only pray God's will be done in politics, but we must take action that it be so. We must pray and then vote.

Much like the gentleman's statement portrayed at the start of this blog, your no vote is definitely a vote for the other side. And your no vote will cancel out any form of agreement or complaint against the vote results. Amen!

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