Start The New Year Right

by Susan Nikitenko

Start the new year right;
With a brand new start.
By looking to Jesus;
With an upright heart.

Lay down all anger;
Lay down any fear.
A new beginning;
For an incredible year.

Set new heights to reach;
Grow in heart and soul.
Get rid of bad habits;
That hinder your goals.

Strive for the better;
A light in this world.
That makes a diff'rence;
By serving our Lord.

Take a better road;
Just walking God's walk.
Give Him the glory;
Keep talking His talk.

Hum a joyful tune;
Praise every day.
Spend time in secret;
And faithfully pray.

Lay down each burden;
Let Him be your guide.
Make Him your best friend;
And where you abide.

Lay down any guilt;
Lay down all your shame.
Place it at His feet;
And trust in His name.

Healer of lepers;
Redeemer and friend;
Most Holy and just;
Forgiver of sin.

Jesus, Son Of God;
Our great foundation.
Our hope and our strength;
And our salvation.


Start the new year right;
With a brand new start.
By looking to Jesus;
With an upright heart.

By: Susan Y Nikitenko
December 29th, 2011

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