Second Place

by Douglas Freeman
(Angie, LA, USA)

Often men go through this life, with only their given name
Others seek to add titles representing hard work, success, power or fame
Titles such as degrees, bachelors, doctorates, masters, and even PHD
None of these titles, rightfully belong to me
Then there are chairmen, executive, president, and VP
None of these either, rightfully belong to me
And there are Generals, colonels, and long ago maybe a Knight
There are also titles that are simply part of a birthright
Kings, Queens, princess, all because of their bloodline
Perhaps without saying, none of these titles either, could be mine
But there is one that has been stuck in my mind, for quite some time now
When Paul declared himself Chief among sinners, I’ve wondered how
For surely if there was a title I would be worthy of, this would be mine
All of the qualifications I have, even the bloodline
I even argued with God, as silly as that may sound
Knowing for certain, my title I had found
But how can one argue with a Almighty God, you know how that ended don’t you
For the Word of God is undeniably, unequivocally, absolutely true
There remains only one conclusion, I am running a close, second place
Paul is Chief and I am second, and where would either be without God’s Grace
So call me Assailant Chief, second place, or just plain old Doug will suffice
But most important call me Redeemed, call me sSaved, because Jesus Christ paid the price
There is but one thing, only one thing I ask you to do
Consider if God’s Grace can save Paul and me, it can also save you

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May 25, 2011
Close Third
by: Anonymous

Secound Place by Douglas Freeman, excellent start to my day brother, clever and so true of many of us, God bless you from Peter in Spain.

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