
by Ronald Jenkins

He was whipped with chords,
Oh! Have mercy on our Lord.
So the men of the army had made him a crown,
it was made of sharp thorns blood red in his brow.
A wine colored robe was placed on our shepherd of the sheep,
while they crushed him and beat him he spoke not a peep.
So the chief priests all shouted to the cross to the cross,
for he is not the Son of God for he will be parting off.
Some men had fear and others had sorrow,
for the one with the sin, it will show in their tomorrow.
While he was still conscious in the agony and pain,
he knew that the truth was as sure as the rain.
He asked for the father to forgive all with no faith,
for the ignorant and lost and those with bowed face.
For he redeemed his life so that we might live,
to love one another for our heart we might give.
To the lamb whom sacrificed the gift from God,
is our only salvation a complete and shining shod.

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