{RUNNING FROM SOMETHING} Thank God He still love's me.

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone, Or. America)

Living in prison where there’s no bars
A mind of troubles my heart with scars
Running from something I could not see
Must be a reason cause it found me

Well I did not know just what to do
Standing on the porch without a clue
I’ve heard this happen to someone else
Threw away my stash from off the shelf

People everywhere doing their thing
Here I am speechless a dingle ling
Suddenly I feel a peace inside
This was something good I could not hide

It was God the Father, God the Son
Who left His Holy Spirit here to help everyone
Yes it is God the Father, God the Son
Who left His Holy Spirit here for all to come

I’m here to tell you God’s love and care
Comes from His Bible He wants to share
His name is Jesus who came to Earth
Giving salvation a brand new birth

It is God the Father, God the Son
Who left the Holy Spirit here to help everyone
Yes it is God the Father, God the Son
Who left His Holy Spirit here for all to come

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