Redeemed by His Love

by Anila Pandian

Redeemed by His Love

A Light shines in my darkness
Illuminating my weary lost soul

Captivating my every thought
Releasing me from every fear

In His Light, I see light
Shining through and through

Reaching out to the farthest corners of my heart,
Swallowing up all the dead parts

Healing all my brokenness
Removing all my unrighteousness

Leading me out of the storm into His light
That I may see in me His beauty bright

‘Hold back no longer’, He gently says
I look up at Him, my eyes full of wonder

His voice sounds like many waters
Washing over my weariness

His eyes so tender, so full of love
Love that abides,
that comforts,
that conquers,
that is committed.

‘Thank You!’, my heart cries to Him
For rescuing me from doubt and despair

And loving me back to Life and Wholeness
Reassuring me of Your Mercy and Goodness

Where anger once reigned, patience has bloomed
Where sorrow had great depth, joy now in abundance

Forever reminded of failure, now celebrating the future
Captive to misery, now rejoicing in liberty

Sinking in the miry clay of past disappointments
Now soaring to great heights into the heavens

“I once was lost but now am found”… truly it was His Amazing Grace!

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Nov 14, 2009
by: Anonymous


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