Rainbow's End

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

An ancient myth, would have us believe
A pot-of-gold, is at rainbow's end
Though only a fable, it evokes a thought
A metaphor, it may actually lend

There are two things to remember
It's beauty, you can not compare
And it's appearance will always be
After a storm has left it's snare

How many times in life I've seen
The beauty of a rainbow in the sky
And the peace and solace that abounds
After a violet storm, has passed by

When I survey the years gone by
I could not enumerate the times
I've seen many rainbow ends
That I could classify, as gold mines

More precious than a pot of gold
Are some things I have known -
When the risk of surgery was so high
And then the day, I was coming home

Safe passage down an icy road
When turmoil lurched on every side
A companion that has graced my life
Always there, support to provide

To live in a land, where I have heard
The Gospel, that has been proclaimed
That I may choose my destiny
When He, my soul, has reclaimed

So be it myth or fable, if you will
A rainbow's end, YOU might pursue
There, - a pot of gold, you may find
A treasure greater, than you ever knew

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