
by Morgan Carlock
(Harrisburg, AR)

Lord I lift us up and I pray for Reformation

I pray for the long journey we've all been on reach its destination

An abundant life is waiting for those who will receive

Forgiveness of all transgressions shall truly set us free

I hear you Heavenly Father calling to your children

To draw near, walk closer, the end is quickly coming

Just as our Father planted a seed in all his children to grow

Our Harvest awaits us, Rise Up My Children, receive what you've sown

The Sacrifice is small for a reward so Divine

This promise I have made to those I call mine

Obey thy Father my sons and daughters and I will bless you all your days

My Kingdom awaits your arrival

So sing out to me with praise

Thank you God Almighty for mercy made new everyday

Thank you for blessing us when we draw close to you my Father

Thank you Lord, I am your humble servant, I truly am your blessed daughter.

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