Practice What You Preach

by Bill
(Forest Grove, Ore)

You can know all the scriptures,
Have all the bibles you can reach,
But when push comes to shove
Do you practice what you preach?

Anyone can go to church
And collapse on the floor,
But when Judgment Day comes
Will you be at Heaven's door?

You can have the biggest of fits
And say the Holy ghost passed through,
But is that really reflected
In the things you do?

You can yell far and wide
Proclaiming your love for Christ,
But what have you given him
When for you He gave his life?

You can lecture others
About the wrong things they do,
But before you look at others
You need to look at you.

You can damn all the sinners
Tell them they're headed south,
But what have you done lately
Besides run your mouth?

You can call yourself a Christian
Spend all your days at church,
But while you are praising His name,
Have you been doing the Lord's work?

You can boast of good deeds
To show us the spirit is within
But why show it to us?
You should show it to Him!

You can memorize the bible
Know it from front to back,
But you don't use it to regulate others
Regulate how you act!

Take a good look at yourself
Not at what others do,
Because when He comes to get his children...
Will He be coming for you too?

~~ Author Unknown ~~

Comments for Practice What You Preach

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Mar 08, 2014
Strong Poem
by: Alex Reece

I loved this poem. It's something I think a lot of us need to hear from time to time. It suffices to tell us what everything is really about. Thank you for the blessing.

Jun 18, 2011
About: Practice What You Preach
by: Kim Biernesser

I just posted one of my poems last night called LISTEN and waiting for it to show up on here and I read your poem. You have captured a sad but truthful way of saying how our worlds become. I've always tried to live my life as if The Lord was right beside me and I do this by how I treat other's and through my actions! I honestly can say you have said exactly how I feel! Very well written and you need to hear that from my heart to yours! God Bless you!

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