People Be Ready

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone Or.97027 America)

I’ve got a new song that Jesus gave to me.
He said to sing this song with all sincerity,
Let everyone know I’ll be coming back real soon,
So people be ready, you better be ready,
Let’s all be ready, for a trip beyond the moon, real soon.

Jesus gave the reason why I’m ah singing this here song,
to make sure all who will believe are gonna come along.
We’re supposed to meet somewhere way up in the sky.
Oh people be ready, you better be ready,
Let’s all be ready, cause we’re going to fly real high.

I wouldn’t want to be here after the rapture comes,
I hope I make myself real clear, on earth it won’t be fun.
You better stop messin’ round, and get your life real straight.
Heavens clock is counting down, I pray you're not too late
I pray you're not too late.

Christian”s will disappear from right where they are,
while non-believers might think that aliens,
have taken them to the stars.
When the tribulation comes the believers will have gone.
People be ready, you better be ready,
Let’s all be ready, so you too have flown, on home.

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Sep 27, 2022
People Be Ready
by: Samuel Williams

I’ve got a new song that Jesus gave to me.
He said to sing this song with all sincerity,
Let everyone know I’ll be coming back real soon,
So people be ready, you better be ready,
Let’s all be ready, for a trip beyond the moon, real soon.

Jesus gave the reason why I’m ah singing this here song,
to make sure all who will believe are gonna come along.
We’re supposed to meet somewhere way up in the sky.
Oh people be ready, you better be ready,
Let’s all be ready, cause we’re going to fly real high.

I wouldn’t want to be here after the rapture comes,
I hope I make myself real clear, on earth it won’t be fun.
You better stop messin’ round, and get your life real straight.
Heavens clock is counting down, I pray you're not too late
I pray you're not too late.

Christian"s will disappear from right where they are,
while non-believers might think that aliens,
have taken them to the stars.
When the tribulation comes the believers will have gone.
People be ready, you better be ready,
Let’s all be ready, so you too have flown, on home.

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