by Charles Robey
(Trussville, AL)

Peace be Still
Speak softly as the night fears rush, My spirit not to crush
Peace Be Still
Calm raging waters of my heart, Let rushing winds of sin depart
Peace Be Still
Never to go from You astray, As tightly in your arms I pray
Peace Be Still
With the day break proudly shinning, In Your Spirit now abiding
Peace Be Still
Looking to join Your upward call, Never more the earthly draw
Peace Be Still
So let the storms rage on, In Your good time I will be gone
Peace Be still
Are you ready for life's storm, Yield to Him your life conform
Peace Be Still

Peace, Be Still (Matthew 8:23-27)

The Holy Scriptures tell of Jesus calming the storm on the lake. From these few verses, we can rightly conclude a couple of truths:

(1) that Jesus, as the son of God, has authority over the elements of nature, and, (2)that the disciples may have had weak faith for being afraid.

This Bible fact is just one of many occasions in which Jesus proved Himself to be God. Jesus had divine authority in various other areas-sickness, demons, death, and sin. It also provides another significant part to the portrayal of the King: He is not just a king over the people of Israel; rather, He is king over all nature and all mankind. And He is still the same today. " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever"(Hebrews 13:8)

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