by Jonathan Spurlock
(Holts Summit, MO)
Text: John 12:20-26
The Request:
--Certain Greeks wanted to see Jesus. Most likely Greek proselytes like Nicolas of Antioch (Acts 6) who had converted to Judaism
--Ministry of Christ was first and foremost to Israel but He did minister to a few Gentiles: the Roman centurion of Matthew 8 and the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark 7:24)
--Question: how much did they know already about Jesus?
--“We would ‘see’ Jesus”: more than just to look at or glance at. Perhaps they wanted a chance to truly experience the time they had with Jesus but we’ll never know for sure
The Referral:
--Greeks come to Philip; Philip finds Andrew; at least 5-7 disciples were from the Lake/Sea of Galilee area; Philip was from Bethsaida, close to border of Gentile territory
--Philip and Andrew are Greek names, meaning “lover of horses” and “manly” respectively
--Both had brought someone to Jesus before: Philip, Nathanael; and Andrew, Simon (John 1)
--Different temperaments: Philip seems analytical; Andrew, more social. Compare their responses to Jesus in John 6 at the Feeding of the Five Thousand
--Were they sure how to reply to these Greeks? At any rate, they went to Jesus for His answer
The Replies:
All of these are replies by Jesus, probably to Andrew and Philip (unknown if Greeks were there)
--“The hour is come. . . .”—NOW—for Jesus to be glorified. Other “hours” had come and gone before but the time was right for Jesus to be glorified. He had received some glory when He was on the Mount of Transfiguration, Triumphal entry but how much more after the Resurrection?
--Example from farming, “a grain of wheat. . ..” If sown, it has to die before it can produce more
--Love your life, lose your life; hate life now, eternal life always. The rich young ruler had walked away from his chance to receive eternal life: did any of them know or remember this?
--If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me. Nobody can successfully serve God and anyone or anything else. Some responded and followed Jesus; others did not. What about you or me?
-- There were some secret disciples (Nicodemus, Jn 7:42) but how effective were they?
--Promise: if you serve Me, the Father will honor you.
Conclusion: There is no record that Jesus ever met the Greeks who came looking for Him. But if someone comes to you or me and wants to see Jesus, can we show that person Who Jesus is?
Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.
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