O Lord Why Did I Listen to this World

by James Ralston
(Gainesville FL, United States)

I started life not too long ago.
Through that time, I listened to the world.
The world, said I would be happy with everything I could grasp.
All the treasures in this world would give me great and wonderful joy.

O Lord why did I listen to this world.
Why did I not listen to your beckoning, and respond to your nudging?
O Lord I need your help more than ever now.
I need strength to wear your armor, and courage to wear it into battle.

The more treasures I got, the more I wanted. Never satisfied.
The world had lied to me; I thought it was the truth.
Now as I struggle to find answers in this world, the treasures lose their taste.
Those treasures left me empty, after taking everything from me.
Now I am lonely and trying to pick up the pieces of my life.

O Lord why did I listen to this world.
Why did I not listen to your beckoning, and respond to your nudging?
O Lord I need your help more than ever now.
I need strength to wear your armor, and courage to wear it into battle.

I later learned that my only friend is there, and he cares for me.
He gave his life just to prove that.
I know he will help me with my life. After all He is my brother.
His name is Jesus, my one true friend.
I just have to trust Him, and He will carry me through.

O Lord why did I listen to this world.
Why did I not listen to your beckoning, and respond to your nudging?
O Lord I need your help more than ever now.
I need strength to wear your armor, and courage to wear it into battle.

As these words come fourth, my eyes tear up.
I can only fight them back.
I know my life needs a lot of work, but Jesus will help me through.
This song is not my own, it did not come from man. Rather from the Lord.
My words can’t compare to His name in any shape or form.
I just hope and pray that this brings Him glory.
Lord I give this song back to you, and hope it pleases you.

O Lord why did I listen to this world.
Why did I not listen to your beckoning, and respond to your nudging?
O Lord I need your help more than ever now.
I need strength to wear your armor, and courage to wear it into battle.

O Lord I hope these tears are a sign that our hearts are connected.
Even though at sometimes I don’t feel they are.
Lord I need more trust in you, and I need a way home.
Lord I know you are the way, the truth, and the life.
I need to trust in that, and grasp that as the most gracious treasure the world has ever known.
I will be home some day.
Until then, I will do my best to follow you, even though I fall.

O Lord why did I listen to this world.
Why did I not listen to your beckoning, and respond to your nudging?
O Lord I need your help more than ever now.
I need strength to wear your armor, and courage to wear it into battle.

Comments for O Lord Why Did I Listen to this World

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Dec 02, 2011
by: Morgan

I enjoyed this very much there is so much truth to feeling like we have let God down. Keep writing what God wants you to share.

Sep 17, 2011
I liked it
by: Phil Ralston

Hey James I thought your poem was very good. To me it shows you have talent. You should write more. Hey your a poet and you didn't even know it, but your feet show it, because they're longfellow. Hey I guess the talent runs in the family.LOL

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