Newly Perfected

by Morgan Suggs

Lord of lords
And King of kings
Will come again and save us all
But till that day we will stop and pray
Lord show us your way
Let your light pour out of us
Have your grace consume us
So we can glorify your name
Because of sin in the garden
We lack perfection and direction
Our hearts were hardened
Because we miss the connection
That thanks to Jesus
Who was rejected
We were made newly perfected
But only through our Lord Jesus Christ
Can we believe it is true
That what use to feel empty
Can be made brand new
We were cleansed of sin
So we can start over again
Through You, all things are possible
Although we are responsible
For what has been done
The past is the past
Because of his son,
So Lord help us be who we were created to be.
Honest and true
With a more positive view
With joy in our hearts
Knowing we are never apart
With the gift of the spirit
You have given us a free ticket
To pray in your Heavenly Name
Sickness, disease, depression, and pain leave, be on your way!
You're not allowed to stay!
Devil can no longer play this game.
For the Lord has conquered hell
We shall no longer dwell
But rejoice and be glad
For our father
Has taken the bad
And set us free!
And now we can clearly see!!

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