Myth Busters Series: The Bible Translation Debate is Irrelevant

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Changing my look but not the Book

Changing my look but not the Book

II Timothy 3:16 and II Peter 1:20-21

Introduction: The current translation debate originated with the confusion and uncertainty caused by the multiplicity of new translations of the Bible. This message is an attempt to bring some light to a subject where there is already too much heat (and a whole lot of smoke).


a. The KJV only position is an ancient doctrine - actually the doctrine as it is currently propounded was not known until around 1930.

b. God can only use one Bible translation - Think about this one long and hard before you respond. Study your church history for the past 400 years and even before!

c. Inspiration, translation, and preservation are the same - the current teaching goes against everything that orthodox, conservative Christians have believed throughout the history of the church.

d. Older is better - you find this in numerous footnotes regarding manuscript support but it is not always true.


a. Other versions are all Satanic-inspired perversions.

b. All other translators were (are) evil men.

c. There is no difference between the AV 1611 and what we have today.

d. The English translation corrects the original languages.


a. Inspiration and revelation pertain to the Autographa.

b. Preservation involves post-Autographical writings.

c. Textual criticism has been employed by all translators to some extent.


a. A godly believer can understand the Bible better in his own language than an ungodly scholar can in the original languages.

b. Godly scholars have been used by God to preserve His Word.

c. Modern versions support all major doctrines.

d. Reading an inferior translation is better than not reading a superior one.

e. The first Bible most unsaved people read is the one you live -

You are writing a Bible, a chapter each day,
By the deeds that you do and the words that you say,
Men read what you write - whether faithful or true,
What is the Gospel according to YOU?

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Sep 25, 2010
by: Arlie

Have you read or heard Oulette's A More Sure Word?

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