My Rock - My Fortress

by Colan Hiatt
(Mount Airy, NC)

As I travel down life's road
Daily I encounter conflict and strife
That's not abnormal for us all
It's just a basic part of life

Sin entered, back in the garden
With disobedience to God's command
Thorns and thistles were the curse
This is where it all began

"Few days and full of trouble"
Job portrayed man's plight
Paul battled a thorn in the flesh
Many suffer for the cause of right

When I'm perplexed and forlorn
There's a refuge to which I go
Psalm seventy one is my guide
My Rock and Fortress, defeats the foe

God demonstrated His infinite love
When He extended amazing grace
By the sacrifice on Calvary's cross
There - His own Son, took our place

"Cast every care upon Him"
"Come to Me, I'll give you rest"
These are promises He has made
Through ages, they have stood the test

Colan L Hiatt = 09-22-15
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